Privacy policy for the review form

The privacy of your data is my top priority

I understand very well the importance of keeping your data safe from scammers or being misused, so I will do my best to protect your data and I will make a declaration here about how I am going to use the data that you provide in the review form.

Your Data will be stored on my private physical servers at home and will never be saved somewhere in the cloud or a shared server like Amazon.
You have the right to delete or change your data at any time either by yourself using the password that I send you, by contacting me, or by comming to my physical place.
Your data will never be shared with a third-party entity without your permission.
Nothing on the review form that you fill and submit is going to be published online unless it's mentioned on the form itself.
If you upload a profile picture it will be resized automatically and only a small part of 75x75 pixels will be exposed to the world. The original full-size picture will be saved in a private folder.
I may share your email with other organisations to contact you only if you have accepted that in the form and if they request a reference.
Feel free to contact me for further questions.
Thank you very much for being here.