

mein Name ist Adil Elamin-

Hinweis: Viele Teile dieses Lebenslaufs befinden sich noch in der Entwicklung.

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Bildung & Training:

Ich betrachte mich als Person, die immer gerne neue Herausforderungen sucht und angeht. Lernen ist wir ein Hobby für mich und ich glaube, nur so kann man sich ständig weiterentwickeln und sich neuen Herausforderungen stellen. Mein Wissen und Lernen beschränkt sich nicht nur auf das offiziell gelehrte Universitäts- und Institutswissen, sondern der Großteil meines Wissens stammt aus fachbezogenen Internet-Communitys, RFC-Artikeln und den Dokumentationen der Technologien, mit denen ich arbeite.
Hinweis: Viele Teile dieses Lebenslaufs befinden sich noch in der Entwicklung.

AUG 1998 - AUG 2003

5-jähriges (10 Semester) universitäres BSc-Studium, anerkannt in Deutschland von anabin.kmk.org. Ich habe das Studium erfolgreich mit der Note „2“ abgeschlossen.

  • Logic Design
  • Electronics
  • Microprocessor
  • Electrical Power
  • Communication System
  • Radar
31 JAN 2006

Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE) ist ein Schulungszertifikat für die Verwaltung und Wartung von Windows Server 2003.

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003
  • Active Directory and Network Infrastructure
  • NTFS and share permissions
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery
04 DEC 2006

Es handelt sich um eine Schulungszertifizierung im Bereich Networking, die Schulung fand parallel zu anderen Schulungen von Microsoft im Zeitraum von 2004 bis 2006 statt.

  • Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model
  • Routing protocols
  • Switching
  • Firewalls
  • Network monitoring & troubleshooting
January 2010

Dies ist ein dreisemestriger Master of Business Administration (MBA) mit Spezialisierung auf Management Information Systems (MIS).

  • Statistical studies
  • Microeconomics
  • System analysis and design
  • System prototyping
  • Delivery & Reporting
Augest 2024

Die Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Zertifizierung der Linux Foundation bestätigt die Fähigkeiten und das Wissen, die erforderlich sind, um die Aufgaben eines Kubernetes-Administrators zu erfüllen. Sie umfasst wesentliche Themen wie Kubernetes-Architektur, Installation, Konfiguration, Anwendungslebenszyklus-Management, Netzwerk, Speicher, Sicherheit und Fehlerbehebung.

  • API Object
  • Helm
  • Ingress
  • Orchestration
  • Scheduling
October 2024

Die Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) Zertifizierung der Linux Foundation bestätigt die Fähigkeiten und das Wissen, die erforderlich sind, um containerbasierte Anwendungen und Kubernetes-Plattformen während des Aufbaus, der Bereitstellung und des Betriebs abzusichern. Sie umfasst wesentliche Themen wie Cluster-Einrichtung, Härtung, Überwachung und Reaktionsmaßnahmen bei Vorfällen.

  • mTLS
  • Falco Sysdig
  • cilium.io
  • Intrusion Detection (Suricata.io)
  • Harbor
  • SPIRE Server/Agent by (spiffe.io)
  • CIS Benchmarks (cisecurity.org)
  • OSSEC.net (Host Intrusion Detection)
  • kube-bench
  • Open Policy Agent
  • AppArmor
February 2025

Die JavaScript Node.js Application Developer (JSNAD) Zertifizierung der Linux Foundation bestätigt die Fähigkeiten und das Wissen, die erforderlich sind, um Node.js-Anwendungen zu entwickeln und zu warten. Sie umfasst wesentliche Themen wie asynchrones Programmieren, Node.js-Kern-APIs, Fehlerbehandlung und Anwendungssicherheit.

  • Node.js Buffer API’s
  • Connecting Streams
  • Incremental Processing
  • Managing asynchronous operations
  • Spawning and Executing child processes
  • Child process configuration
  • Debugging Node.js
  • Error Handling
  • Node.js CLI
  • The event system
  • Building event emitters
  • Consuming event emitters
  • File System
  • Module system
  • Process/Operating System
  • Unit Testing
März 2025

Die JavaScript Node.js Services Developer (JSNSD) Zertifizierung der Linux Foundation bestätigt die Fähigkeiten und das Wissen, die erforderlich sind, um skalierbare und effiziente Node.js-Dienste zu entwickeln und zu warten. Sie umfasst wesentliche Themen wie Dienstentwicklung, asynchrones Programmieren, Datenspeicherung, Sicherheit und Testen

  • Implementing public facing web servers
  • Creating RESTful HTTP services
  • Incremental Processing
  • Consuming other HTTP services
  • Knowledge of HTTP verbs and status codes
  • Protecting against malicious input
  • Attack mitigation

IT-Spezialist mit über 18 Jahren Erfahrung.

IT-Spezialist mit über 18 Jahren Erfahrung in den Bereichen Networking – Entwicklung von Webanwendungen – SIP-Asterisk-Telefonsystem – Installation und Virtualisierung von hochverfügbarer Serverhardware – Betriebssystems-Virtualisierung. Umfangreiche und langjährige Erfahrung seit der Kindheit mit JS.
Hinweis: Viele Teile dieses Lebenslaufs befinden sich noch in der Entwicklung.

MAI 2007 - SEP 2010

CIS ist ein libanesisches Unternehmen, das im Sudan von der Central Trading Company Limited (CTC) gesponsert wurde. Das Unternehmen war auf den Verkauf und die Unterstützung von Server-/Speicher-/Backup-Hardware für Unternehmen spezialisiert. Meine Aufgabe bestand darin, rund um die Uhr mit dem Support-Team zusammenzuarbeiten. Das Unternehmen wurde im September 2010 im Sudan geschlossen, woraufhin ich zu unserem Kunden „EBS“ wechselte.

  • Servertechnik verkauf
  • Tabe libraries & backup Hardware/software
  • Maintenace Contracts
  • Spare parts Stock managmeent
  • 24/7 Customer support
SEP 2010 - SEP 2011

Nach der Schließung von CIS wechselte ich zu unserem Kunden EBS. Meine Hauptaufgaben bestanden darin, das Netzwerk und die Hardwareausfälle der Server zu überwachen.

  • High availiablity HP-UX Clusters
  • Database Administration
  • Integrity Servers HP-UX
  • ATM Networks
  • Network monitoring & troubleshooting
SEP 2011 - NOV 2018

Ich habe 7 Jahre lang im Anmeldungsbüro gearbeitet und dort ein E-Learning-System mit dem Namen „Blackboard“ verwaltet und unterstützt. Im April 2014 habe ich angefangen, jeden Abend neben meiner Arbeit Deutsch zu lernen, im Dezember 2017 habe ich die Prüfung „Goethe B1“ bestanden und eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis von Deutschland erhalten. Am 18. November 2018 bin ich dann von Katar nach Deutschland gezogen. Vom 19. November 2018 bis Juni 2019 habe ich in Berlin weiter Deutsch auf B2-Niveau gelernt und bin dann im August 2019 dauerhaft nach Leipzig gezogen, um bei Landesamt für Schule und Bildung (LASUB) zu arbeiten.

  • Students' Registration System Administration
  • E-Learning System Administration
  • Oracle Database Aministration
  • Data entry
AUG 2019 - SEP 2024

Ich arbeitete zurzeit noch in der Lehrerausbildungsstätte Leipzig des LASuB. Meine Hauptaufgaben besteht darin, die Profile der Lehrer und Schüler und die Netzwerke zu verwalten sowie die Lehrer in der Handhabung der umfangreichen Technik in den Klassenzimmern zu unterstützen.

  • User Support
  • Active Drictory
  • LANCOM WLAN Controller
  • Netwrok Policy Server NPS
  • Safe-Q print Server
My Skills

Recent Technology I'm working with

  • All
  • Networking
  • Servers
  • Programming
  • Others

pfSense is a robust open-source firewall and router software that provides advanced security features, VPN support, and network management capabilities. It includes powerful firewall rules, advanced NATing (Network Address Translation)

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Nginx is a high-performance open-source web server, reverse proxy & load balancer for managing thousands of concurrent connections. I've long experience with Nginx, including managing the Nginx Ingress Controller in Kubernetes to route & load balancing to containerized applications.

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VPN Technology

I work with various VPN implementations for secure communication including the open-source OpenVPN that provides secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections.

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"HAProxy is a high-performance open-source load balancer and reverse proxy for TCP and HTTP applications. I have strong expertise in configuring and managing HAProxy to efficiently balance TCP and HTTP traffic, ensuring high availability, reliability, and optimal performance for web services and applications.".

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Border Gateway Protocol

"BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) is a robust routing protocol available as a package in pfSense, facilitating efficient route management and exchange between different autonomous systems.".

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Open Short Path First

OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) is a dynamic routing protocol available as a package in pfSense, enabling efficient route discovery and management within complex networks.

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Network security with Suricata

Suricata is an advanced network threat detection engine available as a package in pfSense, providing powerful intrusion detection and prevention capabilities to enhance network security. I have extensive experience in configuring Suricata rules to effectively detect and mitigate network threats

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Docker is a containerization platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. I have extensive experience working with Docker, including managing Docker volumes, using Docker Compose for defining and running multi-container applications, and configuring Docker networks.

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Kubernetes (K8s) is a powerful container orchestration platform for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. I am Kubernetes Certified Administrator (CKA) and Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) certified.

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Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine, enabling server-side scripting and building scalable network applications. I am JavaScript Node.js Application Developer (JSNAD) and JavaScript Node.js Services Developer (JSNSD) certified.

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Rook-Ceph is a storage orchestrator for Kubernetes, providing a seamless integration with Ceph storage solutions. I am proficient in deploying and maintaining Rook-Ceph, managing Ceph OSDs, monitors, and managers, as well as configuring RADOS gateways and S3-compatible storage.

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Ubuntu Linux

"Ubuntu Linux is a popular open-source operating system that I work with extensively, focusing on Logical Volume Management (LVM), networking, and various other aspects of system administration and optimization."


MongoDB is the most scalable and fastest NoSQL and in-memory database, which I use extensively with the Mongoose driver for Node.js. I have strong expertise in connecting applications to MongoDB within Kubernetes (K8s) environments and in monitoring servers with Prometheus.

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MariaDB is a powerful open-source relational database, which I use extensively with various applications. I have strong expertise in connecting applications to MariaDB within Kubernetes (K8s) environments and in monitoring servers with Prometheus.

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Proxmox Virtual Environment

Proficient in setting up and maintaining Proxmox clusters for high availability and load balancing, automating tasks with shell scripting and Proxmox API, working with Proxmox Backup Server (PBS), configuring virtual networks and VLANs, and implementing monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana.

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Redis is an in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, and message broker. I have extensive experience setting up Redis Sentinel for high availability and automatic failover. Additionally, I am skilled in connecting Redis Sentinel with Node.js and other applications

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"Prometheus is a monitoring and alerting toolkit for collecting and querying metrics. I have experience in setting up and configuring Prometheus in Kubernetes (K8s) clusters and configuring it to scrape metrics from various services, setting up alerting rules, and integrating with Grafana for visualization.

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Grafana is an open-source platform for monitoring and observability. I have experience in setting up and configuring Grafana, creating custom dashboards, and visualizing metrics from various data sources such as Prometheus and Elasticsearch.

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Elasticsearch is a powerful search and analytics engine. I have extensive experience in setting up and configuring Elasticsearch clusters, and indexing and querying data. I also use it to monitor the access logs of my Nginx Ingress Controller for security and data analysis purposes.

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Kibana is a visualization tool for Elasticsearch. I am skilled in using Kibana to create interactive dashboards, visualize data, and gain insights from Elasticsearch indices.

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Skilled in JavaScript with over 18 years of experience, enjoying writing and developing robust applications using modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries. Proficient in both ESM (ECMAScript Modules) and CJS (CommonJS) specifications.

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Highly proficient in HTML with extensive experience in creating well-structured, semantic, and accessible web pages. Skilled in using HTML5 features to build responsive and interactive user interfaces.

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Highly skilled in CSS with extensive experience in designing responsive and visually appealing web pages. Proficient in using CSS frameworks like Bootstrap to streamline development and ensure consistent styling across applications.

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Proficient in using SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) to write maintainable and scalable CSS. Skilled in leveraging SASS features such as variables, nesting, mixins, and functions to enhance and streamline the styling process.

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Experienced in using jQuery to simplify JavaScript programming, enhance web page interactivity, and manipulate the DOM efficiently. Skilled in leveraging jQuery's extensive library of plugins and tools to create dynamic and responsive user interfaces.

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Bash scripting

Proficient in automating server tasks using Bash scripting, with extensive experience in writing scripts for system administration, and process automation. Skilled in creating efficient scripts to manage configurations, perform backups, monitor performance, and automate maintenance tasks.

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Git is a version control system for tracking changes in source code during software development. I have extensive experience in using Git for version control, including branching, merging, and resolving conflicts. I am proficient in managing repositories, collaborating with teams using platforms like GitHub and GitLab.

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is a powerful tool that automates the management and issuance of TLS certificates. It integrates with various certificate authorities, including Let's Encrypt, to automatically issue and renew certificates, ensuring secure communication for your applications.

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Velero is a powerful tool for backup and recovery of Kubernetes clusters. I have extensive experience using Velero to ensure data protection and disaster recovery, including setting up scheduled backups, backing up Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs), restoring applications, and migrating cluster resources.

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I am skilled in configuring Harbor for secure storage and distribution of container images, integrating it with CI/CD pipelines to automate the build, test, and deployment processes, and using Trivy image scanner with Harbor to ensure security by scanning for vulnerabilities.

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FALCO by Sysdig

I possess a good experience using Falco, an open-source runtime security tool for Kubernetes. My skills include setting up and configuring Falco to monitor and detect anomalous activity in containerized environments, writing custom rules to enhance security.

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I have significant experience using OSSEC (OS Security), an open-source host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS). My skills include setting up and configuring OSSEC to monitor and analyze system logs, detect security breaches, and respond to threats.

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Open Policy Agent

I have experience using Open Policy Agent (OPA) for policy-based control in cloud-native environments. My skills include writing and managing policies using Rego, integrating OPA with Kubernetes for admission control, and implementing fine-grained access control across various services.

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Linux AppArmor

I have significant experience using AppArmor (AA), a Linux kernel security module for mandatory access control. My skills include configuring and managing AppArmor profiles to secure applications and Kubernetes containers, enhancing system security, and troubleshooting profiles for optimal protection.

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I have extensive skills in configuring hardware, including setting up and managing storage system arrays, RAID configurations, FC (Fibre Channel) networking, and iSCSI, in both Windows and Linux operating systems. I have experience working with different brands such as HPE and Synology.

VSCode remote development

I have extensive experience using Visual Studio Code (VSCode) for remote development. This includes setting up and configuring VSCode for remote SSH connections, utilizing the Remote Development extension pack, and seamlessly working on code hosted on remote servers or virtual machines.


Leipzig marathon




